WIs Invited to Free Workshops at Trelissick and Other National Trust Properties

The Hayle WI reliquary in situ at Trelissick

Members of Hayle WI have been working on a project entitled ‘This Is Me’ over the past few months. The project explores personal stories of belonging to place and tales of far-flung adventure. The creative process has involved storytelling, painting, sculpture, writing, and dance, through which the artists have produced a beautiful reliquary that holds the many stories the women have shared. 

The project was funded via Wildworks Theatre.

Artists Melanie Young and Caroline Schanche worked with the Hayle WI members and the finished reliquary is now making its grand tour of National Trust properties around Cornwall.

Local WI members are invited to a “First View” and workshop at 2pm on Monday 5 August at Trelissick.

Caroline and Melanie will introduce their work, speak about their experience of creating it with the WI members and will then open the floor to questions.

Following this, the artists will lead a making session to create either a suitcase label or one of the black and white gold-edged artefacts illustrating a precious object. There is no charge for participants, but booking is essential and limited to 20 places.

For a flavour of what the work looks like visit this site: Wildworks: This is Me | National Trust

Book your free ticket to the launch and workshop at Trelissick here.

After its appearance at Trelissick, the Hayle WI reliquary will move on to be displayed at the following National Trust properties. Workshops will be offered at each property and WI members are invited – the workshops are free of charge, but booking is essential using the links below:

Cothele – Friday 6 Sep 2024 1:30pm- 4pm

Pentire – Sunday 29 Sep 2024 1:30pm-4pm

Godolphin – Tuesday 5 Nov 2024 4pm-6pm

Tune into Inspiring Voices, the CFWI podcast, on 1 August for an interview with two members of Hayle WI, along with Caroline and Melanie, and hear more about the project.



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