A Successful Great Big Green Week for our Climate Ambassadors

As another successful Climate Coalition Great Big Green Week draws to a close, our Cornwall Climate Ambassadors were pleased to be featured on the Great Big Green Week Wrap film, holding the turtledove banner made by Pippa Stilwell. The text reads ‘Nature is the fabric which supports every human enterprise, and every species lost is a tear in that fabric.’

The photograph was taken by Mary Lindsey at a craftivism workshop that she kindly hosted on 29 September, where nine WI members spent a great day with text and textiles: hooking (for vegetable bags) and embroidery (for lavender bags), all with a climate message.

Meanwhile, the yellow banner ‘We can all make a difference’ continues to tour Cornwall. On 27 September it graced the very successful coffee morning held by Zennor WI in Zennor Village Hall. On 11 October it will go to Carn Brea WI where Mary is giving a talk, then to the Annual Council Meeting at the Hall for Cornwall on 26 October, and after that Carol Matta will take it to a Christmas Fayre in Bodmin on 12 November.

Let the Climate Ambassadors know if you would like to borrow the banner for an event where you are! It’s a great focus for climate conversations. Just email: cfwiclimate@gmail.com for details.








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