Photo by Laurentiu Iordache on Unsplash
You may recall we told you about the NFWI photography competition (A Year in Your WI) in the November/December 2017 issue of County News. Inspired by members’ talent and love of photography, the NFWI Science & Leisure Committee has invited WIs to submit a collection of photographs depicting a year in their WI.
Running from January through December 2018, WIs are invited to compose a selection of no more than 12 photographs representing a year in their WI. Photographs may be taken monthly or at various events and activities attended or organised by the WI throughout the year. The chosen 12 photographs may be displayed in any way chosen by the WI; i.e., calendar, photobook, scrapbook or simply individual, mounted photographs.
WIs must send their entry (one entry per WI) to the CFWI office for initial judging. Up to three entries will then be selected to go forward for national judging.

Photo by Rosalind Chang on Unsplash
We’ve had some further guidance about the competition from NFWI, in response to questions received from WIs. We thought you might find this useful:
1. I understand that we can only submit 12 photographs, but can 1 photo be made up by a collage of smaller images?
Yes, providing that the finished photo does not exceed the required size of 10” x 8”.
2. Can I add text to explain each photograph?
No, the only text that can be submitted is the required 100-word supporting paragraph.
3. I’m good at taking photographs, but not so clever at presenting them – do I have to do both?
No, the idea is that this challenge is a team effort so utilise your members skills and ask members to contribute with what they are best at doing.
4. My husband takes our photos at WI events, can we use these?
Sorry no, the photographs must be taken by a member of the WI. Images taken by external professionals are not permitted either.
5. There are only a couple of us within the WI that want to take part in the challenge, can we still enter?
Yes, providing the other members of your WI are happy for you to carry on – don’t forget to get their consent to being in your photos!
6. Do the 12 photographs have to be taken 1 per month?
No, the competition requires that 12 photographs are submitted; these can be taken throughout the year or any specific events – it is entirely up to you!
From what we hear, members across the country appear to be taking up the challenge with great enthusiasm! Why not join in and put Cornwall on the map?!
Please submit your WI’s photos to CFWI by 28th February 2019. We realise the deadline date is a year away, but wanted to give you advance notice of this exciting competition so that you could begin taking photographs now!
More information about the competition and a full schedule can be found here.