Calling All Lace-Makers!

The NFWI Craft Committee is looking for a WI member to make an item of lace which will be mounted onto a card and sent to Buckingham Palace in celebration of the Queen’s 93rd birthday in April 2019.  For your reference, click here for guidelines giving further details of the requirements for the card. If you […]

Grampound WI are Big Winners!

It was a great weekend for Grampound WI!  Here they are holding the trophies they won at this year’s Grampound Carnival. Members won the cup for Best in Class and also the cup for  Best Overall Entry for their float called ‘100 Years of Suffrage’.  Congratulations to all at Grampound WI!  

Hayle WI Four-Corner Day

Hayle WI would like to invite all to on an upcoming four-corner day to be held on Saturday November 17th at St Erth Church Hall from 10am until 3pm. The crafts on offer will all have a Christmas theme: 1) Christmas willow star 2) Raggy Christmas wreath 3) Felt Christmas tree decoration 4) Beautiful Christmas […]

Home ‘Admin’ Service Available

Age UK would like to introduce a new Home “Admin” Service which may be of benefit to WI members aged over 50. The service is designed to alleviate any anxiety and stress that can come when organising paperwork at home. The service aims to make sure the bills are paid on time and a person’s […]

A Sumptuous Celebratory Tea Party for Veryan WI

As part of their Centenary Celebrations, Veryan WI held a tea party in June at Elerkey Guest House and Coffee Shop. In tribute to the WI’s founders, members wore dresses, hats, gloves and pearls.  Members were joined on this special occasion by Yvonne Toms, their WI Adviser.  The women were welcomed with a glass of prosecco […]