New Denman brochure available!

The new Denman brochure is now available, covering courses and events from November 2017 to September 2018. Hot off the press, the new brochure is full to the brim with all of your favourite workshops and classes, as well as brand-new special Platinum events and courses to help celebrate Denman’s 70th Anniversary in 2018! Click […]

A Message from the ACWW World President

Dear Friends and Colleagues, As natural disasters affect all corners of the world, from storms and earthquakes to heatwaves and the ensuing floods and draughts, the Associated Country Women of the World send their sympathies to those affected. Our thoughts are with you. Furthermore, we call on international, national and local authorities to respond more […]

The Not Forgotten Association

Two members of the CFWI Board of Trustees recently had the pleasure of attending the Annual Meeting of the Avon Federation of WIs in Bristol. One of the guest speakers was Rosie Thompson, a representative of The Not Forgotten Association, an organisation not many people are familiar with but which we thought might be of […]

St Tudy Playing Field Update!

If you’ve been following us, you’ll know that St Tudy Playing Field was nominated for a One Family Foundation award of £25,000 to fund badly needed new play equipment. We are thrilled to announce that the project (the only Cornish one in its category) was successful and was awarded the grant! Thank you to all […]

Cornwall’s Communities Join the ReFILL Revolution!

BeachCare, Your Shore Beach Rangers Project and Clean Cornwall in association with City to Sea are taking the battle against plastic waste to the next level with ReFILL Cornwall, a countywide free water refill campaign. And it is coming to a community near you, thanks to dozens of local Cornish Communities waving the ReFILL Flag! […]

Cakes Needed!

Two Cornish sisters are planning an event in aid of Cornwall Hospice Care, and are looking for WI members who may be able to help. Carrie Preston and Sarah Woodside hold Cornwall Hospice Care close to their hearts. Their mother was a resident in one of their hospices before she passed away last December. At […]

World Kindness Day

As you know, this year the WI voted overwhelmingly to support the resolution to raise awareness of the causes and impacts of loneliness, so we can better identify lonely people – and simply help them be less lonely. November 13th is World Kindness Day. We are very good at kindness in the WI! And we […]

Programme Competition Winners Announced!

This year’s Programme Competition winners have now been announced. If you’re coming to our Annual Council Meeting on the 10th at the Hall for Cornwall, then you’ll be able to see them congratulated in person! The Lander Cup is awarded to the best programme for WIs with up to 20 members. This year’s winner is […]

Correction re: Annual Meetings

The ‘Membership Matters’ column in the October issue of County News stated that all WIs should have received a letter telling them whether or not they will be having an Adviser at their 2018 Annual Meetings. However, this letter will be going out with the November/December issue. We apologise for the confusion but can assure […]

Welcome to our Archives!

We’ve added an Archive tab to the front page of our CFWI website. This will give members the opportunity to see some of the wonderful documents and photographs in storage, either at Chy Noweth an Conteth or at the County Records Office. At the moment, just a taster of archive material has been uploaded for […]