Mawnan WI Provides Care Bags to St Petroc’s

This week, Mawnan WI held a special Coffee Drop-In at Trebah Garden to present Christmas Care Bags to Sandra Sandercock, a representative from St Petroc’s. The bags were all made by members re-using donated fabric. Mawnan WI held several events to raise money to purchase the toiletries: In September they held a mug tombola at […]

Boscastle WI Members Celebrate Christmas

Members of Boscastle WI enjoyed a thoroughly wonderful time for their Christmas lunch at The Wellington Hotel in Boscastle earlier this week. This was the first time in three years that the group had been able to have their Christmas gathering. The last few years, the festivities were cancelled due to lock-down regulations as well […]

Veryan WI Supports Cornwall Refuge Trust

Veryan WI’s December meeting was a purely social affair – they held their annual Christmas meal at the King’s Arms in Tregony, which was excellent, and which everybody enjoyed. Over the last few months, some of Veryan’s members have been knitting or crocheting small teddy bears to donate to the children staying at Cornwall Refuge […]

Penpol & Point WI and the Chocolate Factory

Two small groups of members, suitably attired with hairnets, toured the Chocolarder works in Falmouth and learnt about the process of transforming raw cocoa beans and sugar into delicious chocolate products, organically. Some imports are by sailing vessel and no plastic or foil packaging is used. The end products sampled were delicious!

South Hill WI Members Get Crafty for Christmas

Last month, members of South Hill WI held a craft day organised by Helen and Julia Squires. They had the opportunity to make felted soaps and Christmas decorations, a fabric journal cover, wreaths and gift bags. All this and a delicious homemade soup luncheon. One member reported, “I can honestly say that I have never […]

Get Help with Your WI’s Annual Meeting!

Although we’re all in the midst of our Christmas plans, the new year will be with us before we know it, bringing with it our February/March WI Annual Meetings. Do you feel confident about how to run your Annual Meeting? Do you know how to hold an election for WI President? Do you need help […]