Why Not Enter Our 2024 Poetry Competition?

To all our budding WI poets out there, here’s your chance to have your voice heard! The Cornwall Federation’s Blaikley Salver poetry competition is an annual event organised by our Environment and Public Affairs Sub-C0mmittee, and we’d love to see your entries. The theme for this year’s competition is ‘River Voices’, a wide subject, stemming […]

It’s Time to Think about Spring Bulbs!

The WI spring 2024 bulb catalogue is now available! The bulbs provided by bulbs.co.uk are of a very high standard and come at reasonable prices. We’ve had great feedback over the years from our WI members who’ve purchased them! And, by ordering, you’re helping to support CFWI as we receive a commission on all sales. […]

Nominations Sought for CFWI Board of Trustees

CFWI invites all members to nominate candidates for our Board of Trustees for the period 2024-2026. All WI members in the Cornwall Federation are eligible to stand for election. Being a Trustee means that you’ll become a Director of the Federation. We’d like to see candidates who possess leadership qualities, have strategic vision, show commitment […]

A New Pennant for South Hill WI

South Hill WI has a new pennant. It will go to to the next Royal Cornwall Show where it will be displayed in the WI Marquee with others from all over Cornwall. The design reflects features of the area around South Hill WI, and was designed and made by members. South Hill WI member Ellen […]

April County News Now Available Online

The April issue of County News is now on MyWI ready for you to read! Here’s your chance to get a sneak preview before your WI meeting. Read all about upcoming events and news from WIs around Cornwall.  If you don’t see your WI mentioned, then please send news and photos of any of your […]

New CFWI Podcast Episode Now Live!

The April episode of ‘Inspiring Voices’, the CFWI podcast, is now available for you to listen to! You can find our podcast on Spotify or on YouTube. Why not pop your earbuds in next time you go for a walk, and have a listen? You’ll get some exercise and be entertained, all at the same […]

Perranarworthal WI Holds Spring Fayre

Perranarworthal WI held a busy and very enjoyable Spring Fayre earlier this month. Everyone bought gorgeous crafts, books, preloved items, cakes, jigsaws, toys and much more! The raffle prizes as usual were amazing. It was a lovely social event with everyone catching up over coffee and cake and simply enjoying the morning. The event raised […]

Perranuthnoe and District WI Treasurer Retires

Pictured here is Perranuthnoe and District WI’s retiring Treasurer, Ann Tyzzer. Ann, who has been Treasurer for at least 25 years and a WI member for over 40 years, decided it was time to hang up the reins and let some fresh blood take over. Following Perranuthnoe and District WI’s Annual Meeting, Ann was presented […]

Launch of Cornwall’s Climate Stories Latest Film

The latest film by award-winning charity Cornwall Climate Care, looking at the crucial issue of Cornwall’s energy future, is launching with a series of public screenings from late April. Power to the People, presented by Cornish surfer and geologist Lucy Cotton, explores the exciting opportunities, huge challenges and frustrating problems facing us in our efforts […]