A Woodturning Demo for South Hill WI

Last week, a group of South Hill WI members and some of their partners visited David Trewin Woodworking. David is the husband of South Hill WI member Wendy Trewin. David talked about the different woods he uses, and how he shapes and processes each piece. He explained that sometimes wood was kept for several years […]

Cornish Winter Fair WI Competitions Schedules!

This year, the Cornish Winter Fair will be held over two days at the Royal Cornwall Events Centre in Wadebridge, 19 and 20 November. The competitions and crafts will be judged on the first day, Saturday 19 November. We have put together some really exciting competition classes for you to enter, and at only 20p […]

Passmore Edwards 200 Celebration

24 March 2023 is the 200th anniversary of the birth of Passmore Edwards, the Cornish philanthropist, and there are big plans afoot to celebrate the birth of this extraordinary Cornishman throughout the spring and summer of next year. Lord Asquith said that Edwards had “done more than any single Englishman to help the people to […]

A Fundraiser in Marhamchurch

Members of Marhamchurch WI report that they had a great morning for their fundraiser for Cornwall Blood Bikes. They give thanks to all who helped, filled jars or made cakes and savouries. It was well worth the effort and a nice sum was made to donate to Cornwall Blood Bikes. The women were thrilled to […]

Hayle WI Members Learn about Area Archaeology

Several members of Hayle WI recently enjoyed an excellent few hours exploring the archaeological sites at Godrevy. The group was guided by Jacky Nowakowski FSA who has studied the area extensively. as well as taking part in digs. It reminded the women once again of the richness of Hayle’s history as well as its unique […]

WI Fundraising

You will all have seen beautiful glossy adverts recently in both County News and WI Life promoting Breast Cancer Now‘s Afternoon Tea.  While we all acknowledge what an important cause this is, we do need to draw your attention to the fact that, per our WI Constitution, WIs cannot lawfully fundraise for national charities and, […]

A Letter from The Palace

As you’ll recall, we held a competition earlier in the year in which we asked members to create a celebratory card to send to HM Queen Elizabeth II on the occasion of her Platinum Jubilee. Our competition was won by Lynne Watson of Betjeman Belles WI. We sent the card to Buckingham Palace on behalf […]

St Dennis WI Celebrates 100 Years

A sunny Saturday afternoon in May saw more than 80 people gather together to celebrate St Dennis WI’s Centenary at the Working Men’s Club in St Dennis. St Dennis WI’s inaugural meeting was held on 4 May 1922 at the village school, with 53 members signing up, including the patronage of Ingeborg Lady Molesworth St […]