Mawnan WI Charity Fundraising Christmas Tree

Mawnan WI is supporting the campaign to free women from the fear of violence. The 16 days of action – entitled No More Violence Against Women – runs from 25th November to 10th December. Our Charity Fund Raising Christmas Tree is now outside the village Memorial Hall and we invite residents, friends and family to […]

CFWI Competitions

One of our members got in touch with us recently to ask for a full list and description of all the competitions open to WI members in Cornwall, and we are happy to oblige! Allsop Cup Competition The Allsop Cup Competition is an environmental study, organised by the Environment & Public Affairs Sub-committee, which takes […]

An Anniversary Tree Planting for Marhamchurch WI

As part of their 75th Anniversary celebrations, Marhamchurch WI planted a tree. Marhamchurch WI members were joined by representatives from the Parish Council, village residents and the owner of the piece of land where the tree was planted. Penny Hazeldine, President of Marhamchurch WI, planted the tree. Afternoon tea was then provided for everyone attending […]

Take Back the Night: A WI Member’s Views

When we shared details of the upcoming Take Back the Night event to be held in Penzance on Monday 6 December, Pendeen WI member Crystal Wakefield wrote to us. With her permission, we are sharing Crystal’s words here: I’m writing about some historical moments and initiatives, and some personal ones, in regard to the importance […]

Food Hygiene for Young People and Students

A new campaign was launched earlier this month, with the aim of educating young people/students on the basics of food hygiene.   Many of our WI members have children, grandchildren, nieces and nephews leaving home for the first time in the autumn. When going to university or living away from home for the first time, […]

An Arty Day for Crantock WI

Members of Crantock WI recently enjoyed a visit to the Lorna Wiles Studio and Gallery in West Pentire. Lorna showed the group around the gallery and demonstrated the Devoré technique as well as her printing methods. She told them of her fascinating career in fashion design and running her own business. After the tour, the […]

A Christmassy Kick-Off

CFWI kicked off the Christmas season with a convivial Tea & Tinsel event at Chy Noweth this afternoon. We welcomed members from all over Cornwall to join us for afternoon tea, some fun and games and a visit from Mother Christmas! We hope everyone who attended enjoyed their time with us!