Through the Garden Gate with Mawnan WI

Mawnan WI has held an Annual Garden Safari for a number of years; each time about a dozen gardens around the village have been open to visitors. During the afternoon, there has been the chance to sit down in one of the gardens to enjoy a homemade Cornish Cream Tea, browse through books for sale […]

Climate Coalition Mass Lobby

Report from Pippa Stiwell, CFWI Climate Ambassador As part of the Climate Coalition Mass Lobby, this past week Climate Ambassadors Julia Havard and Pippa Stilwell joined Zennor WI President Wyn Brookes and four other constituents to meet St Ives MP Derek Thomas and discuss progress on tackling climate change. We enjoyed a wide-ranging and friendly […]

Truro WI Members Join Climate Coalition Lobby

Three members of Truro WI (Fiona Hughes, Margaret Cogan and Mary Lindsey) joined the Climate Coalition Lobby meeting with Cherilyn Mackrory, MP for Truro and Falmouth, this Tuesday. The focus was on the Green Recovery that needs to be integral to Build Back Better. Cherilyn said that Cornwall is well-positioned to play a big part […]

Trevone WI Holds Virtual Chelsea Flower Show

Trevone WI President Liz Baker has been busy organising a series of summertime virtual events for members during the Covid-19 lockdown. The first of these was the Trevone WI Virtual Chelsea Flower Show, held in May. Members submitted entries to the flower show by posting photographs to Trevone’s Facebook page of their gardens, particularly highlighting […]

Re-Opening Village Halls

Here at CFWI, we’ve received a number of enquiries from WIs and WI members about how and when to re-open their halls. Some of you belong to WIs that own their own halls, some of you serve on committees of your local halls and some of you just may be curious as to how this […]

Mermaids Hold Stone Festival and Tea Party

Mermaids: Mylor and Flushing WI held a Decorated Stone Festival recently, open to all in the Mylor and Flushing villages. Stones decorated on the general theme of ‘Life’ were left outside homes and will be gathered up to be displayed next year in Tremayne Hall. On Father’s Day, the Mermaids gave away tea bags and […]

Climate Change Books for Lockdown Reading

Over the years, many of us have signed up to the Climate Vision 10 Pledges. In Pledge 3, we undertook to educate ourselves about the science and impacts of Climate Change. There are plenty of good books out there, so we decided to read some and recommend the best and most accessible. Here are two […]

Downderry & Seaton Members are Zooming

Like many WIs in Cornwall and across the UK, Downderry and Seaton have been meeting via Zoom. President Maura Swabey attended a Zoom course before signing up and joining; the subscription being paid for from WI funds. Members have been holding committee meetings, monthly meetings and a ‘ Not in the Pub’ social evening where […]

Be Part of History

Do you remember last year’s Mass Lobby in Westminster, in which WI members displayed their wonderful temperature scarf, and joined 12,000 other Climate Coalition members to tackle their MPs about climate change? Westminster is a long way from Cornwall, but this year the lobby is virtual: We can ask our MP to join us and […]