What Faery Dust Can Do

As part of the 2021 Chy Noweth Show competition, WIs were asked to create an exhibit on the theme of ‘Renewing Enchanted Cornwall’. One of the components of the exhibit was a piece of prose. As you all know by now, Illogan WI won first prize in the competition, and we are reproducing their wonderful […]

Poppies in Wilcove

Members of Wilcove WI have been busy sewing hand made poppies onto a net for Remembrance. These poppies have been lovingly created by many Wilcove WI members throughout lockdown as a worthwhile project for the town, and will be on display at St James Church.

WI Subscriptions, 2022/2023

NFWI has now released the WI subscription rate for 2022/2023. There is to be no increase on the current year, which means the full membership subscription amount will remain at £44. Subscriptions are due in April 2022. The distribution of the 2022/2023 subscription is: New members joining the WI from April 2022 for the first […]

A Winter Warmer Lunch for Trevone WI

Trevone WI held its first Winter Warmer Lunch this year, attended by 30 members at Prideaux Place. Some ate outside in the marquee enjoying lovely views across the deer park to the estuary, and others ate inside, thinking it might be warmer but, in fact, the weather changed and the sun came out. Several new […]

Crowlas & Ludgvan WI Members Visit Varfell Farm

A group of members from Crowlas and Ludgvan WI recently visited Varfell Farm, right on their doorstep. The farm is the largest grower and packer of daffodils in the world. Everyone was totally impressed by the efforts being made by such a large commercial operation to protect the environment, while enhancing the well-being of so […]

June Eddy Cup Photography Competition Results

Congratulations to all of those who entered our June Eddy Photography Competition this year, sending us some brilliant photos on the theme of bridges. Judge David Chapman was impressed with the calibre of entries and said they were “varied and attractive”. First prize was awarded to Lisa Elsey of Crowlas and Ludgvan WI. David described […]

Zennor WI Says NO to Fast Fashion

On October 1, Zennor WI held its ‘Say No to Fast Fashion’ coffee morning as part of the Climate Coalition Great Big Green Week.  The members were joined by WI Climate Ambassadors Mary Lindsey and Fiona Hughes, and Mary took charge of the climate information stall, hanging up the beautiful climate banner. MP Derek Thomas […]

Wilcove WI and The Great Big Green Week

Wilcove WI started their Great Big Green Week activities a little early with Clare Wallerstein, their September speaker from Rame Peninsula Beach Care. Clare gave the members a fascinating and eye opening evening on the dangers of litter and debris, particularly on Cornish beaches. The monthly competition for the following meeting was planned along this […]