The Sowenna Appeal’s fundraising manager Stephanie Pomeroy receives a cheque from Perran ar Worthal WI Treasurer Veronica Eccleston
Following last year’s resolution, Mental Health Matters, Perran ar Worthal WI chose as their charity of the year, the new Sowenna Unit for youngsters in Cornwall with mental health issues.
Members raised £1400 at a very successful coffee, cake and charity fair. Stephanie Pomeroy, Sowenna’s fundraising manager, gave the WI an interesting insight into the project, from conception to near completion, and she was delighted and amazed to receive such a large cheque.

Perran ar Worthal members with some of the items collected for the Truro Food Bank
At the same meeting in May, as part of Perran ar Worthal’s ‘100 things to do’, members donated 125 items to the Truro Food Bank. Mary, a WI member who volunteers at the food bank, told members how the items are sorted and donated.