Soft Pastel Workshop a Success!

A super day was had by 14 WI members last month at Pensilva. The Combined Arts sub-committee ran a soft pastel workshop headed by a very talented artist, Yvette Wiltshire. The women were taken through all the techniques needed to produce a snow scene in soft pastels. Those attending had the full range of experience, […]

Mawnan WI Members Get Arty

Eight members of Mawnan WI visited Penlee House Gallery in Penzance as part of their programme of educational visits. On arrival, they had a delicious lunch and then then were ready for a guided tour of the gallery. Their volunteer guide, Robin, was a very animated, knowledgeable and enthusiastic speaker. He not only brought the […]

Songs for Earth

Don’t forget that the Cathedral Climate Service, Songs for Earth, is happening on Sunday 17th November at 2pm – or earlier if you would like to hear the children singing Earth Songs at Lemon Quay from 1:15pm. All welcome, so bring your family and friends.

Carols and Mince Pies in Penryn

To celebrate Christmas, Penryn WI will be joined by the choir, musicians and students of Penryn College at Penryn Methodist Church on Tuesday 3rd December at 7.00pm for their Annual ‘Carols and Mince Pies’ Concert. All are welcome! Free entry with a retiring collection for Church funds.

A Splendid Afternoon at Carlyon Bay

What better way to spend a chilly, rainy afternoon than having lunch with 225 of your closest friends? WI members from all over the county met today at Carlyon Bay Hotel for a fantastic County Lunch. The dining room buzzed with happy conversation and laughter. But the volume dropped markedly when the delicious food was […]

Penwith Local History Group Publishes Book

The Penwith Local History Group has published a book entitled Growing Up in West Cornwall that members may be interested in. It would make an excellent Christmas present for any Cornish relatives/descendants around the world. The book contains case studies, a surname index and good illustrations of children. The book documents childhood memories, mostly from the […]