Summer Baking for St Breward Secretary

Bonny Bryan, Secretary of St Breward WI, had a go at making the delicious looking tart featured on the cover of WI Life. We think she did a wonderful job! Have you tried any of the recipes featured either in WI Life or on the MyWI website? If so, why not share your efforts with […]

Boscastle’s Oldest Biker Chick!

Boscastle WI were recently treated to a great talk by Cornwall Blood Bikes who afterwards allowed members to try out the bike, a vast BMW. The speaker took a group photo which included Boscastle’s oldest member, Irene Smith, who is 91, sitting astride the bike.

St Dominick WI Supports Local ‘Litterati’

Earlier this month, St Dominick WI held a Vintage Tea Afternoon and raised £245. The funds will support St Dominick’s chosen charity, local ‘Litterati’ (litter picking group), to help them buy their own equipment. Pictured here is the St Dominick committee who worked very hard making fresh sandwiches and delicate cakes and scones, all of […]

Boconnoc Garden Party Raffle Winners!

We know that some of you had already headed for home by the time we drew the raffle at Boconnoc on Sunday. You may be a lucky winner! Please check your tickets to see: Orange ticket #408 Pink ticket #253 White ticket #771 Blue ticket #205 If you have any of those winning tickets, please […]

Hedgehog Info Day Correction!

We advertised this exciting information day in the June and July/August issues of County News, but unfortunately we advertised the wrong times. The adverts say that the event will run from 10:30am to 12pm. But the correct times are 10:30am to 3pm – it is an all-day event! We are very very sorry for this […]

Today’s Garden Party at Boconnoc!

Thank you to everyone who came out to support us at today’s Garden Party at beautiful Boconnoc House. Whether you had a cream tea or ice cream or had a go at guessing what was in the socks, or searched for a hedgehog, or joined in the dog show, or entered the hat parade, or […]

Mawnan WI Members Visit Little Harbour

For the past five years, Mawnan WI has raised funds to support the Children’s Hospice South West by holding its annual Garden Safari – so it was not surprising that many members were keen to visit when Little Harbour held an Open Day recently. The hospice provides care for children with life-limiting conditions, from newborns […]

St Day WI President Has a Bee in Her Bonnet!

St Day WI had a very interesting talk at their June meeting by Alun Thomas, a local beekeeper. Alun asked for someone to model a beekeeper’s suit. Strangely, nobody came forward! Instead they volunteered Frances, St Day’s President. Here she is, strutting her stuff, to the amusement of one of her WI members.