Easter Decorations for South Hill WI

In early March, South Hill WI had a wonderful evening making Easter decorations. South Hill member Helen Squires provided the decorations and the base for the participants to add their own personal touches. They all left very happily that evening with beautiful decorative Easter arrangements!

Meet Cathy Smith of Forest for Cornwall

You may have seen the article about Forest for Cornwall (F4C) which appeared in our March County News. The article gives information about the F4C target of planting trees on 8,000 hectares of Cornish land by 2030, and how WI members can get involved in helping to cherish and maintain this forest of young trees, […]

Resolution Briefing Materials Now Available!

The resolution briefing materials for the Annual Meeting in Cardiff in May are now live on MyWI. Just as a reminder, the resolution going forward to the Cardiff meeting is ‘Clean rivers for people and wildlife’: Water quality in our rivers is shameful. Legally, designated bathing waters must be regularly monitored for pollution. The NFWI […]

‘Women in Leadership’ Webinar Available!

Last week, CFWI Chair Helen Kestle, along with 500 others, attended a webinar hosted by NFWI in honour of International Women’s Day. The ‘Women in Leadership’ event was for WI members as well as members of the Six-O group, which is made up of the six leading women’s organisations in the UK. The webinar offered members […]