Resolution Briefing Materials Now Available!

The resolution briefing materials for the Annual Meeting in Cardiff in May are now live on MyWI.

Just as a reminder, the resolution going forward to the Cardiff meeting is ‘Clean rivers for people and wildlife’:

Water quality in our rivers is shameful. Legally, designated bathing waters must be regularly monitored for pollution. The NFWI urges its members, the wider public, local authorities and Government to make, support and promote applications for official designated bathing sites on appropriate stretches of rivers in their area. This will be as instrumental to the clean up of rivers as it has been for water quality improvement at coastal beaches.

Members can access the resolution briefing materials here (scroll to the bottom of the page)

The resources are designed to help WIs make their decision about how they wish their Link Delegate to vote on 25 May.

The resources include:

  • Detailed briefing on the resolution.
  • PowerPoint presentation on the topic.
  • Quiz to test your knowledge.
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document about the resolutions process.
  • Discussion guide with ideas about how to discuss the resolution in your WI.M

Reminder: Resolution webinar

To support members in learning more about the resolution that will be voted upon at the Annual Meeting, the NFWI will be hosting a virtual discussion event on Wednesday 12 April at 7pm. Arrangements for the event are currently being finalised, but you can register your interest here.

If you have any questions about the Annual Meeting resolution or the resolutions process please contact the NFWI Public Affairs Department on

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