International Women’s Day: Get Involved!

International Women’s Day Pledge board On MyWI you can download International Women’s Day pledge boards. This is a great way to share your views about what needs to change and take a stand on gender equality. You can also encourage people around you to think about what they can do to tackle the issue in […]

Trevone WI Rocks Out!

Trevone WI Hall rang with the sound of music as the group welcomed Marcus Alleyne, conductor of Cornwall’s Rock Choir, back to Trevone for another of his singing masterclasses. As well as being a singer himself, Marcus is a classically trained choral and orchestral conductor. He started off by demonstrating exercises to help members stretch […]

What’s New in Godolphin WI?

Godolphin WI President, Vanessa Wyles won the CFWI competition for designing a tea towel to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the opening of Chy Noweth an Conteth. The tea towels have now been printed and are on sale for £5.  A few members attended the Daffodil Festival at Mawgan Church. There were hundreds of flowers […]

Happy Birthday to Crantock WI

Tuesday 14 February wasn’t just Valentine’s Day, it was also Crantock WI’s 70th birthday celebration! As well as the usual superb tea, the members took the opportunity to plant a native birch tree to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. Crantock WI meets in their local village hall, and Frank and Janet Cox, Chairman and Secretary […]

‘WI Talk’ by Sheila Goldsworthy

Former CFWI Chairman and current Assistant Media Officer Sheila Goldsworthy writes a wonderful monthly WI column for The Cornishman. Here is Sheila’s February column: Members now have a brand new brighter, larger monthly newsletter to learn of all the springtime events in greater and more colourful detail as well as plenty of adverts to tempt them. The picture […]

Congratulations to Long-Time WI Members

Four members of Budock WI were recently congratulated for serving as WI members for 50 years or more! Anne Richardson, Philippa Cummings, Jean Head and Pauline Bryant are pictured here receiving their congratulatory certificates. They were joined by all the other members for lunch at the Trelowarren Arms to celebrate Budock WI’s 65th birthday.

A Sweet Treat for Pensilva WI

After waiting for many months for a visit from Roly’s Fudge, due to their being too busy to come last year, the members of Pensilva WI had a real treat when Matt came to give the women an insight into making the perfect fudge. Of course he couldn’t give them all the information, trade secrets […]