The County News Pixies!

Did you ever wonder how all of your WI’s copies of County News get neatly packed into envelopes, along with flyers, event applications, etc., before being sent to your Secretary? Normally, we rely on a wonderful band of local WIs who volunteer their time and come to Chy Noweth for a day of packing. At […]

A Sunny September Picnic for St Neot WI

On a lovely sunny day last month, members of St Neot WI met for a picnic lunch in the village Community Garden, the Doorstep Green. This was their first meeting since the lockdown began in April, and they were lucky to hold it then just before The Rule of Six came into effect. The sun […]

An Invitation from Ladock WI

Ladock WI invites you to join them on Zoom to hear guest speaker Elizabeth Gowing on Wednesday 28 October at 7:30pm. Elizabeth is an experienced speaker and author, who lives in Kosovo, but is currently living in Cornwall. The title of this talk is Unlikely Positions in Unlikely Places: A Yoga Journey around Britain. Elizabeth […]

‘Not the Annual Meeting’ Coming Up!

Have you booked your free ticket for our virtual ‘Not the Annual Meeting’ yet? This will be a great opportunity to hear from the Board of Trustees and some of our sub-committees. Not only that, but you’ll hear a lively and saucy talk from Hampton Court Palace lecturer Sarah Slater about Secrets, Scandal and Salacious […]

Support CFWI with EasyFundraising!

Have you noticed the Easyfundraising logo at the bottom of our web page and wondered what it’s all about? Easyfundraising is a way for you to help raise money for CFWI by doing nothing more than shopping online! It doesn’t cost you a penny. Now, more than ever, CFWI is experiencing the financial pinch of […]

What’s Cooking in Ladock?

Thirteen WI members from Ladock, Sticker and Atherton in Lancashire experimented with their first virtual Cook In on Zoom. The recipe for plum streusel cake was emailed to everyone, ingredients bought and then armed with mixing bowls and other essential tools the women baked together. Everyone agreed that it was fun and the pictures assembled […]

October is Black History Month

October is Black History Month, an event that has been celebrated in the UK for more than 30 years. The month was originally founded to recognise the contributions that people of African and Caribbean backgrounds have made to the UK over many generations. Now, Black History Month has expanded to include the history of not […]

Right Tree – Right Place Conference

Two of our CFWI Climate Ambassadors recently attended a virtual conference entitled ‘Right Tree – Right Place: Wild about Truro and Cornwall’. They found the content interesting and very informative about environmental issues. They learnt a lot about ecosystems and economic issues, and also some inspiring examples of initiatives in Cornwall with talks from farmers […]