Representations re: Denman Closure

You will be aware that in July 2020 the NFWI Board of Trustees had to make the difficult decision to propose the closure of Denman College and sale of the Denman estate. As many of you will already know, Denman College trust is a separate charitable entity of which NFWI is corporate trustee. Denman College […]

Climate Ambassadors’ Book Reviews

Climate Ambassadors Pippa Stilwell and Mary Lindsey would like to share with you reviews of two books which they enjoyed, relating to our environment and climate. Many of you may already have read the first title but, for those who haven’t, this book comes highly recommended as a well-written account of a successful re-wilding project […]

The Breast Tea Ever!

Against Breast Cancer introduces the second edition of their charity newsletter Together. After a difficult year, it is time to look forward and embrace the new normal. In this issue, they launch The Breast Tea Ever, a perfect opportunity to meet with your friends, family or colleagues virtually and eat cake, all to raise funds […]

October County News!

The October issue of County News has now been published! The copies for your WI members should be with your WI Secretary by now. Hopefully, your committee will have made arrangements to deliver the newsletters to members, or will establish a central pick-up place where members can collect them. As always, the newsletter is available […]

NOT the Annual Meeting!

Join us for a virtual alternative to the usual Annual Council Meeting! As we are unable to all meet together this year due to Covid-19, we are taking our meeting online (using Zoom) and are inviting you all to join us for something completely different. NOT THE ANNUAL MEETING Wednesday 21st October 10am You’ll get […]

Important Update about WI Meetings

Please click here to see the letter sent from NFWI to all Federations today – 11 September 2020 – regarding WI meetings and ‘The Rule of Six’, which comes into effect on Monday. Unfortunately, the WI does not fall into any of the categories exempt from the new rule, so “all WI and Federation meetings […]

Police Commissioners Seek Views on Road Safety

We have had a message from Mike Harrison, our Police Community Engagement officer. He tells us that the Police and Crime Commissioners are urging people to take 60 seconds to complete a short survey to influence Government policy on roads policing. Alison Hernandez, the national PCC lead on road safety, explains: The number of people […]

CFWI Social Media Code of Conduct

CFWI has put into place a Social Media Code of Conduct to ensure that all our members and guests are treated with the same respect and friendship online as they receive when at WI meetings or events: CFWI Social Media Code of Conduct Updated September 2020 Respectful behaviour: The WI was founded on democratic ideals […]