CFWI Seeks ACWW Representative

We are looking for a member who might be interested in taking on the role of ACWW Representative for CFWI.

ACWW (Associated Country Women of the World) is the only international charity supported by the WI. It is the largest international organisation for rural women and has a uniquely down-to-earth approach, offering support, friendship and practical help to its members. It funds group projects worldwide in such fields as literacy, health, education, nutrition, agriculture, income generation, water and sanitation, leadership end entrepreneurship. It also funds individual scholarships in social and community welfare.

Requests for funding come from the women themselves; nothing is imposed from outside, and the money is given directly to the women. The beauty of an ACWW project is that relatively small amounts of money are applied to small, specific local projects which can be closely monitored to ensure that help is given to that target group. Local monitoring ensures that only viable and worthwhile projects are approved and ongoing feedback confirms that the money has been spent correctly. Projects are community based, and women led.

All WI members are affiliate members of ACWW.

As ACWW Representative, your role would include making yourself familiar with ACWW and its operations and projects, speaking at WIs around Cornwall on the subject of ACWW projects and encouraging WI members to donate to the chosen project through our ‘Coins for Friendship’ initiative. You would be reimbursed for all reasonable travel costs involved with carrying out the role.

This is an exciting opportunity for a WI member with a strong social conscience who would like to work to support rural women in other countries, and to educate WI members here in Cornwall about it.

If you’re interested, please contact Helen Kestle, CFWI Chair, on 07971 356338 or

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