Kalettes- The Next Big Vegetable?
Denman, Oxfordshire
Monday 11th November 2019
Attendance is FREE
Nearly 20 years ago, some very clever men and women decided they wanted to grow a new variant of kale. One that had even more taste and had done away with the hard stalk that kale often has. Now, these foodies also happened to work for the seed house, Tozer Seeds.
Growing a new vegetable isn’t as easy as you may think. It can take an awful lot of trial and effort and even more patience. But eventually they hit on the perfect combination – kale crossed with Brussels sprouts. This blend allowed the best characteristics of each vegetable to shine. The crisp crunch of kale with the rich nutty favour of sprouts. It also looked good. Like a tiny cabbage with green frilly leaves and streaks of purple.
Today we call this creation Kalettes- A funny name for a serious vegetable.
The Kale bit in the name comes from the fact they’ve been grown using tender kale. The ‘ettes’ bit in the name is because they’re ever so small and cute.
So how exactly did this process start?
Are the products natural?
Are they healthy?
How do they fit in with the daily diet?
How can you cook them?
What dishes can they be used for?
Lots of questions which we will be able answer with the help of our growers, seed production specialists and chef on the 11th November 2019.
Hosted in the beautiful surroundings of Denman, this is an informative and entertaining day not to be missed.
Attendees are asked to arrive from 9:30am for refreshments in time for a 10:00am start. A buffet lunch will be provided, and the day should finish at approximately 4pm.
If you would like to attend, please complete and return the application form or send an email with the relevant information to: marketing@denman.org.uk.
Please be aware that Denman is not able to respond to all applicants because of the high volume of applications. Those who have been allocated a space will receive an email to confirm their space. If you haven’t heard anything by 28th October 2019 then please assume that you have not been allocated a place.