Help support the CFWI plant-growing initiative for the WI marquee at the 2023 Royal Cornwall Show!
Every year we marvel at the seasons, how they change and bring us the joys of nature in all her glory. So here we are in autumn, a time of mellow fruitfulness and with an opportunity to sit down and relax after the busy gardening months. Well, that’s what we think, of course! But autumn is a busy time of year spent tidying up, propagating, planting spring bulbs and generally pottering about in the garden. Often we end up with perennial plants that need dividing and we find ourselves having to dispose of unwanted cuttings that would turn into lovely plants for the bees and us to enjoy.
In June, the Cornwall Federation of Women’s Institutes has a marquee at the Royal Cornwall show and we thought it would be a great idea to have our own plant stall with cuttings and propagations that our keen members might like to donate. Not only would this be a ‘green’ initiative, but it would also raise funds for CFWI and therefore benefit WI members across Cornwall. That’s why we are asking you to ‘pot up’ your spare plants and take cuttings to help stock our stall.
Please ‘Grow for the Show’!
We will also be looking for members who would be happy to run the stall and so be part of the WI team at the Royal Cornwall Show. More information to follow.
The 2023 Royal Cornwall Show will be held from 8 June until 10 June 2023
Thank you for supporting us!