HOW MUCH green bunting??

The Climate Coalition’s Great Big Green Week takes place from 10 to 18 June, and WIs from across the County have been making green-themed bunting for their planned events. However, our talented WI members have also crafted bunting to decorate the WI marquee at the Royal Cornwall Show.

The response to the appeal for green heart bunting was so generous that the Climate Ambassadors arranged a Stitch-a-thon at Chy Noweth for Thursday 25 May, so that the pieces could all be sewn together.

In the end, 565 bunting triangles were received from 16 WIs, and there was great fun measuring, pinning, and sewing the pieces onto tape, with the result that there are now 134 metres of green-themed bunting to decorate the marquee. Se here’s to a Big Green June!

If you’re not already volunteering in the WI marquee at the Show, come along, say hello and have a look at the green heart bunting!

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