Included in the monthly mailing to WI Secretaries to be sent out later this month are two updated policies from NFWI for WIs to keep and use:
- The NFWI Safeguarding Policy (with the accompanying NFWI Safeguarding Incident Reporting Form)
- The NFWI Access of Carers Policy
The Safeguarding Policy replaces the Admission of Girls to Membership Policy (which included a section dealing with Safeguarding). The Access of Carers policy updates the Access of Members with Disabilities to Meetings and Events policy.
Please take the time to share the policies with your committee and members, and familiarise yourselves with them. It is so important that we make sure all members who attend our events are safe and that we are looking after their welfare at all times.
Both policies are ‘living’, as are all NFWI policies, so please do always refer to MyWI for the most up-to-date versions. Please note that the Word version will be on MyWI alongside the electronic version. This enables those WIs which wish to download and print a hard copy to be able to do so, including specific sections as needed. The Word document can be adjusted for accessibility needs; for example, you can increase the font size or change the colours.
If you have any questions or comments please contact NFWI Membership and Engagement at