International Women’s Day 2023

We do hope you are planning to attend our CFWI International Women’s Day Event on 8 March 2023 at the Penventon Park Hotel in Redruth. We’ll have a delicious afternoon tea and will then hear a talk by our guest speaker – writer, historian and genealogist, Dr Lesley Trotter, who will speak to us about important women in Cornish history. The deadline to apply for your place is 25 January – you can download an application form here or contact the Office to book your space – 01872 272843 or

NFWI is also holding an event to mark International Women’s Day this year.

On 9 March 2023 from 7 to 9pm, the NFWI will be hosting a free webinar on Zoom for WI members and members from the Six-O group. The Six-O group is made up of the six leading women’s organisations in the UK.

The webinar will offer WI members and members from the Six-O group the chance to hear from expert speakers on the importance of women in leadership. The panel of speakers will also reflect on their own experience taking on leadership roles in their own careers. 

Register to attend.

If you have any questions about the resolutions process or campaigns, please get in touch with the NFWI Public Affairs Department via email ( or phone (020 7371 9300 ext. 2002).


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