NFWI Resolution Selection Reporting

As a WI member, you have the opportunity to cast your selection on the resolution you support the most from this year’s shortlist. The list and all supporting documents can be found here.

The deadline for your resolution slips to arrive with CFWI is 14 February 2023.

You can find the selection slip in the November/December 2022 issue of WI Life. Alternatively, you can print this digital slip to use.

Your resolution selection can be accepted by CFWI in a variety of ways – this is not limited to the selection form in WI Life. In addition to completing the selection slip in WI Life and posting it to us, you can:

  • allow your WI members to submit their selections directly to Julia, our Federation Secretary, via email or telephone (01872 272843 or
  • conduct an anonymous poll at a WI meeting; or
  • collect selections using electronic tools, such as via email or using a survey tool like SurveyMonkey.

Whichever method you choose, please do make a selection! It’s very important that you take advantage of this opportunity to voice your opinion.

Posted in Uncategorized.

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