Do you fancy trying your chances at winning some money in 2024? Why not join our 200+ Club?
If you’ve read the names of 200+ Club winners in County News and wondered what it was all about, here’s the inside scoop! The 200+ Club is a competition open to all of you as WI members – as well as to your family members – in which you can win cash prizes! It costs £10 to buy a share, and there are 10 monthly draws (each month except January and August). Every month, a lucky number is drawn, and the winner gets a wonderful surprise! In 2023, the monthly prize money was over £60 – but the more participants we have, the higher that amount will be!
The next draw will be in February 2024, so send your application in now and don’t miss out!
You can find an application form here and the full 200+ Club rules here.