During lockdown, Ladock WI committee members came upon a book of Ladock WI minutes from the 1950s; little did they realise that after reading them in depth, it would lead to a wonderful evening of fun.
Present-day President Sandra Buck, Secretary Carol Clarke and Treasurer Jenny Thomas came up with the idea of an evening recreating a meeting, as it would have taken place during the 1950s. On 20 July of this year, Madam President Sandra Buck welcomed members from not only Ladock WI, but also Sticker and Grampound WIs, to their 1954 meeting. Dress code, evocative of the period, was optional and some creative outfits were worn.
The meeting followed the normal agenda, but with a 1954 feel, including a vote for resolutions, which had been identified by the WI as social or political issues during the period, many of which are still issues today.
Highlights of the evening included a talk by a local resident who shared memories of his youth when his mother was a founding member of Ladock WI and who went on to be the first President, a ping pong game from the era was played during the ‘social’ half hour and refreshments, popular at the time, were served.
Members entered the cake competition and prizes in the raffle included a basket of vegetables and eggs, homemade preserves and flower arrangements reminiscent of the time.
The evening then ended with a few popular songs of the era and of course, the National Anthem.