The wonderful auction table at Pensilva WI’s Harvest Supper
It’s October already! But the members of Pensilva WI don’t dread the onset of autumn and winter, as it means they have the annual Harvest Supper and sale of produce to look forward to.
This year’s bring and share supper went down well as usual and it was time for auctioneer extraordinaire Verna to start the sale. There was lots of friendly rivalry for the items, with plenty of laughter as well.
Verna Dawe and Carolyn Cox, who were both celebrating birthdays this month, each received a card and posy.
Pensilva WI’s next meeting will be held on Wednesday 10 November at 7.15pm in Millennium House, Pensilva. Guest speaker Angela Harrison will be talking about the local fishing industry and revealing her secrets on how to cook fish to perfection. The competitions are ‘flower of the month’ and ‘a fishy limerick’.