Resolutions Results 2019

This year we had the highest number of votes for resolutions since the individual selection process was introduced, with over 105,000 selections cast by members.

The results of the 2019 resolution shortlist selection process are:

2019 resolutions Selections
Improving plant biosecurity 13,010
Trees – improving the natural landscape 18,959
Pelvic floor education 8,401
Suffering in silence – menstrual health taboo 8,912
Decline in local buses 35,194
Don’t fear the smear 20,825
Total selections received to date 105,184

To allow members to work on a breadth of issues, the NFWI Board of Trustees has decided to put forward the top two resolutions to the NFWI Annual Meeting in Bournemouth on 5 June.

The resolutions are:

A call against the decline in local bus services

Over the last decade there has been a massive decline in the number of bus services, particularly of those in rural and semi-rural areas. In order to alleviate loneliness, improve health and wellbeing, as well as promoting sustainable development, the NFWI calls on the government and local authorities to increase subsidies and work in partnership with bus companies and community transport operators to enable an adequate provision of services.

Don’t fear the smear

Cervical screening saves around 5,000 lives a year, yet attendance is currently at its lowest for a decade. The NFWI urges WI members to attend routine screening, to take action to raise awareness of the importance of cervical screening and address barriers to attendance to help eradicate cervical cancer.

Next steps – voting

  • WIs should now consider how they wish their delegate to vote at the Annual Meeting.
  • All WIs get one vote per resolution – for or against.
  • WIs may give their delegate discretion to decide how to vote after hearing the speakers’ presentations for and against the resolutions and the debate at the Annual Meeting. Please ensure your WI makes it clear to your delegate whether you are granting her discretion.
  • We also encourage WIs and federations to hold discussion events for members to consider how they wish their delegate to vote.


Find a selection of resources below to help you learn more about the resolutions:

If you have any questions about instructing your delegate please contact your federation.

If you have any questions about the Annual Meeting resolution or the resolutions process please contact our Public Affairs Department at

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