Sea Poetry for Mermaids: Mylor and Flushing WI

Mer-poets Kerry Vincent (left) and Ella Walsworth-Bell (right)

Mermaids: Mylor and Flushing WI held the third in their series of health and wellbeing themed talks last week with an inspiring and entertaining evening entitled Morvoren-Sea Poetry.

Very appropriately, the group discovered that morvoren means ‘mermaid’ in Cornish.

Ella Walsworth-Bell from Mylor Bridge and Kerry Vincent from Constantine presented the evening and the gloriously illustrated book containing 32 poems which were written based on the wide experiences of the diverse and intrepid mainly women swimmers (both novice and hardened) who regularly brave the waters around our coast. The sense of wellbeing, community and friendship the swimmers described was infectious and encouraging. It is captured superbly in the photographs. Both Ella and Kerry are also great performers, bringing their poems to life, particularly when Ella donned a cap and goggles!

The poetry is a collaborative women’s writing project, the idea being conceived by Ella during Covid beach walks with her dog, and having been well received, has led to a second volume of poems entitled Mordardh-Surf Poetry which will be published imminently.

The meeting was open to non-members and everyone was delighted to welcome some interested women from the village.

Next month, the Mermaids plan to brush up on their first aid and resuscitation skills including use of the defibrillator.

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