Ukraine: What Can You Do?

Ukraine | TheHillThe Russian invasion and bombing campaign in Ukraine has resulted in many of us in the UK feeling helpless and asking how we can help the people of Ukraine.

There are several charities working hard on the ground in Ukraine who would be grateful for donations:

Sunflower of Peace is a charity that helps paramedics and doctors, and has been fundraising for supplies, which includes first aid medical tactical backpacks.

United Help Ukraine focuses on providing medical supplies and humanitarian aid, and raising awareness of the conflict.

Voices of Children aims to help children affected by the war in eastern Ukraine, providing support through art therapy, psychologists, video storytelling and a number of other methods.

The British Red Cross has launched an emergency appeal to help Ukraine. The charity will be updating its webpage with news on the work its team is doing, and how support will be used to help people.

Please remember that as each WI is a charity, you cannot donate to other charities as a WI. However, individual members are free to make donations.

Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. please let me know if there are any drop-off points near Truro where I can make a donation of goods for Ukraine.

    I’m not on soci media and have no car.

    I have a small tent and two good winter coats to give.

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