Please note that the closing date of our upcoming Ukulele Taster Day II has been extended to Thursday 25th April.
Did you miss our last Ukulele Day? Did you enjoy the last one and want to do it all again? Either way, here is your opportunity.
Ukuleles will be provided but, if you have your own, please bring it along with you. There will also be an opportunity to win a ukulele in the raffle. There will be excellent tuition by David Ireland. Coffee, tea, biscuits and cake will be provided, but please bring a packed lunch.
At only £16, this day is a bargain! It will take place on Friday 17th May at Chy Noweth an Conteth, from 10:30am-2:30pm.
See your WI Secretary or contact the Office to book a place: (01872) 272843 /