We are pleased to announce that both of this year’s resolutions passed at today’s Annual Meeting in the Echo Arena in Liverpool.
The Alleviating Loneliness resolution passed with 4334 votes for and 1919 against.
The Plastic Soup resolution also passed with a resounding 6132 votes in favour and 157 against.
Thank you to all our members for discussing the resolutions and voting, and to all of the delegates for safely delivering our votes to Liverpool.
And there’s more news! The new My WI website will be available to be used as of 12th June. My WI is a new website that’s exclusive to WI members, to help them get the best from their membership. From the latest NFWI information and advice for running your WI, to campaigns actions and inspiring cookery, craft and floral design projects that have been specially designed for members – My WI is a one-stop-shop for everything a WI member needs to know.
On 12th June, an email will be sent to you via email. Follow the steps outlined in the email to create a secure ‘Digital WI’ password. Once your password has been set you will be able to use your account to access My WI.
Please add Pensilva W.I to the list of W. I s with a Facebook page.
Thanks, Jean! You’ve been added to the list.