WI Members Plant Trees

Did your WI plant a free tree for Cornwall last November?  Did you miss the moment, or did you catch it and would now like to plant another?  Last year WI members added 40 trees to the Forest for Cornwall tally, which now stands at over a million planted since 2019, and of course as WI members we also know how to be assiduous about watering and maintaining our trees. A team of WI members and Climate Ambassadors has been making monthly visits to the newly planted woodland at Penmount Crematorium in Truro to help with maintaining the trees, which are on quite an exposed site but nevertheless flourishing. 


In your October mailing your secretary should have received information about a new round of free trees for the ‘WI Members Plant Trees’ initiative, and we hope you will consider taking part by choosing a free tree and finding a suitable site for planting. .


You can follow the link to the Forest for Cornwall website here, letstalk.cornwall.gov.uk/wi-members-plant-trees which will give you all the information you need.


Pippa Stilwell, WI Climate Ambassador

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