All WI Federations have been sent a memorandum from NFWI about this year’s resolution process. If you or your WI is preparing a resolution proposal, this is for you!
There are small but important changes in the timetable for submitting your proposal.
The following deadlines are:
2 September 2022 – Closing date for resolutions to be submitted to your Federation Resolution Coordinator. However, please contact the Resolution Coordinator now so that she may help you to process your proposal so that it has every chance of a successful outcome. CFWI’s Resolution Coordinator is Pat Paxton, and you can send messages to her via the office on
9 September 2022 – Closing date for resolutions to be submitted to NFWI
NFWI prefers submissions electronically; you can obtain the submission form on the NFWI website, and should then email it to the NFWI Public Affairs team on:
Postal forms will be sent in the July mailing from NFWI but must arrive with NFWI by the 9 September deadline. The same mailing will also contain the timetable and guidelines.
You can submit your resolution at any time before the deadline so long as it has been approved by your WI and seen by the Resolutions Coordinator and signed off.
Finally, if any member is interested in attending the virtual resolution selection meeting day on 4 October 2022, applications can be made online through My WI.
Applications are open until 31 July 2022 and member delegates will be allocated a place through a ballot.