Former CFWI Chairman and current Assistant Media Officer Sheila Goldsworthy writes a wonderful monthly WI column for The Cornishman. Here is Sheila’s October column:
Christmas is becoming a well used word now so we may as well join the throng and remind everyone about all the seasonal treats in store, for instance the Floral Art and Gardening sub- committee never fail to organise an impressive event so put 24 November in the diaries now to be part of a notable day at Chy Noweth an Conteth, entitled Christmas Floral Decorations. This workshop will be led by the committee Adviser Edna Trudgeon and sub-committee member Avril Woolcock, who will demonstrate how to make attractive decorations for the table, the house and the tree using mainly natural materials and suggesting alternatives to floral foam. Members are encouraged to bring along their own choice of materials but there will be plenty of foliage available. This sub-committee is also looking ahead to encourage members to enter the Cornwall Garden Society’s Spring Flower Show next year, always a very absorbing event. They plan to run several workshops to replace those which had to be cancelled in recent years. This will also be very advantageous in preparation for the Royal Cornwall Show. Working with flowers is such a relaxing recreation for many WI members. The sub-committee reminds members to keep scanning County News and the CFWI website for more information and garden visits which are always very popular.
There is welcome news of another hard working sub-committee, Cookery and Craft, which is holding another favourite day just four days later on 28 November, again at Chy Noweth an Conteth – Learn to Decorate a Chocolate Log, with handmade sugar craft items. To accomplish a first class feature, students coat a chocolate Swiss roll with a chocolate ganache flavoured with almond or Irish cream liqueur then make non-wired sugar craft decorations such as holly leaves and berries or variegated ivy or hellebores and foliage. The cake is then presented on a board covered with ganache and packaged in a box; the log will keep until Christmas stored in a cool dry place or it will freeze. Students can provide their own Swiss roll or buy one from the tutor. This is certain to be a winner; most members would love a decorated chocolate roll not only at Christmas, but at anytime!
With Christmas still in mind, one of the most traditional events in the festive calendar is the annual Carol Concert, this year held on Friday 2 December at the Church of King Charles the Martyr, Falmouth. This event of carols and readings is free and open to everyone. A much welcomed precursor to the Christmas celebrations.
Food and sociability are two features mainly associated with Christmas, and none more so than the popular Christmas County Lunches. Two well liked venues have been chosen this year. The Hannafore Point Hotel in Looe on Monday 5 December, and The Royal Duchy Hotel Falmouth on Wednesday 7. A delicious menu is offered for £31. With hair newly styled, red lippy perfect, and posh frock looking glamorous, this is a very carefree occasion when members are looking their very best, enjoying each others company in pleasurable surroundings savouring a tasty meal, and no dishes to wash. A winning formula.
Food too is also a commodity taking on further significance at Christmas, and WI members are loyal devotees of Fairtrade goods. In these challenging times its worth remembering with the prices of essentials going up it’s those earning the least, suffering the most. That’s true here in the UK and it’s true for the people overseas growing so much of what we eat and drink. So whether it’s chocolate, cereal or a cotton T-shirt every Fairtrade choice is a choice to invest in extra protection and income for Fairtrade farmers and workers. So that extra purchase of bar of Fairtrade chocolate will be good for everyone.