‘WI Talk’ by Sheila Goldworthy

Former CFWI Chairman and current Assistant Media Officer Sheila Goldsworthy writes a wonderful monthly WI column for The Cornishman. Here is Sheila’s April column:

The resolution to be discussed at the Annual Meeting at Cardiff in May has been announced. It is certain to interest Cornish members because the subject is water and, more specifically, water quality particularly in our rivers. There can hardly be a day without some media mention of water in Cornwall. “A lack of it, hose pipe ban, too much of it, floods, not clean enough, sewerage leaks, etc.”

There has been an anxious watch on our Cornish reservoirs this winter, not being as full enough, with general concern over the huge influx of visitors this summer. Those of us with long memories living in rural areas remember hearing about our parents trundling to the village well to collect water. We are very lucky to live in a country where we take this commodity for granted. The WI has continually submitted topical resolutions on water and sewage, starting in 1928 leading the way to proper debate on the many aspects of water supply and in the ‘70s highlighting the much higher cost of water in the rural areas. Now the topic of this particular resolution in 2023 is featuring on water quality in rivers. The UK has over 600 designated bathing waters which are mostly coastal and certainly we have heard plenty on that topic in our local news in recent months. There is also a timely reminder in the April issue of County News in the Green Corner that we must save water in the home, saying climate change is impacting on our lives due to the more frequent extreme weather patterns.

There are plenty of events during the summer to interest our members. There is a twentieth birthday celebration to commemorate the opening of Chy Noweth an Conteth on 30 June, from 2pm to 4pm. There will be no charge for the strawberry cream tea, but members need to book in order that numbers can be catered for. Then on Friday 28 July, from 2pm to 4pm, also at Chy Noweth, there will be an afternoon of Cornish entertainment with two Cornish Bards helping to preserve the traditions of Celtic history and culture through poetry, music and the spoken word as well as the chance to learn more about our rich history and traditions. Cost is £10.

Now is the time to get your hands dirty! At last gardening seems to be a possibility and who better to help us than Liam Goldsmith, the Estate Gardener at Trevince where we are invited to visit, by the owner Richard Stone. Starting with an introduction by Richard, this will be followed by a tour of the gardens by Liam. After a soup and roll lunch, Liam will lead a workshop on plant propagation of seeds and softwood cuttings, as well as a discussion of other methods. Liam is a very well known name in gardening circles and has been a great friend to the WI. The date is Thursday 29 June, 10.30am to 4pm at Trevince Estate Gardens. Cost is £35.00. This promises to be fulfilling and pleasant day.

It’s also competition time with a chance to win a prestigious cup for your WI. For the poet in your WI, the Blaikley Salver Competition has the title of “Celebrating Difference”. The experiences of living in 2023 can certainly be very varied. This competition has previously attracted some very moving poems. The entry can be of any length up to 32 lines, handwritten or typed with double spacing. Two copies to be submitted but one only with your name and WI, with an entry fee of £5 to be sent to CFWI.

The Press Competition awards two cups. The Boslowick Cup is awarded to a press officer in her first year on the job, and the Whitecross Cup is for the more experienced Press Officer. The articles must have been published in either a local newspaper, village newsletter or parish magazine between 1 August 2022 and 31 July 2023.Your WI Secretary has guidelines and an application form. Closing date is 31 July. There is no entry fee.

There is no entry fee either for the Programme Competition; this is competed for each year, with four trophies on offer depending on the number of members in your WI. Members have become very innovative in producing a year’s programme that will appeal to new and present members alike. A good programme is a proven WI asset. Closing date is 30 June.

Another free competition is on offer: the Social Media Competition. This competition encourages WIs to set up a Facebook page, website, or use social media to attract new members or to keep current members in the loop. To enter the competition, e-mail the office with a link to whatever platform you use. Closing date is 31 August.

The awards for all of these competitions will be presented at the Annual Council Meeting in October.


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