If you were unable to get a spot on our last two very successful ‘Girls’ Day In’ events, here’s your chance!
We’re holding ‘Yet Another Girls’ Day In’ at Chy Noweth on Friday 5th April from 10am-3pm.
The day will be packed full of activities just for you. Dawn Rowe will once again guide us through some simple exercise routines to suit all abilities. Hannah Darling, beauty consultant, always has something in mind to help us to look our best. In addition, you will experience a Mindfulness session, a form of relaxation through meditation. Jessica Strongman, Director of the Chaos Group, will come along to talk to us about Chaos, a charity that works with disabled and disadvantaged members of the community.
Coffee and tea will be available on arrival, with soup and roll and a selection of cakes on offer at lunchtime. You are also very welcome to bring your own packed lunch.
The cost of the day is £10 (additional £5 for lunch, payable on the
If you’d like to take advantage of this day, please contact the Office on (01872) 272843
or cfwi@btconnect.com.