Crowlas and Ludgvan WI’s Feast Meeting, being the first for each year, is always a special occasion but particularly so for 2019 – following the Kick-Off Buffet Lunch held by CFWI, it marked the beginning of the Centenary Celebrations.
Members were indeed treated to a veritable feast, prepared and served to them by the Committee. As if the Committee didn’t have enough to do, keeping the members all in order, busy with workshops and outings and all things WI-ing in West Cornwall.
The evening was a huge success and members were pleased that WI Adviser Liz Anderson was able to join them, along with visitors from other WIs, for the festivities.
The tables were delightfully decorated with fresh spring flowers and the hall was full of merry members having fun. Following the announcement of the answers to the quiz, an unusual game of pass the parcel caused such hilarity and certainly sorted out those who muddled left from right!
Stuart Gotch ensured that the laughter continued as he entertained everyone with music and stories from his stage career while at sea on the cruise ships. He was somewhat impressed with the audience participation during the finale of ‘We Will Rock You’!
What a wonderful start to the WI year in Cornwall.