Jean Nankervis has been a member of Zennor WI since 1960. Recently she celebrated her 86th birthday.
Jean is currently serving as host to a mother and daughter from Ukraine. Iryna, the mother, made this magnificent birthday cake for Jean.
Jean says that Iryna and her daughter have become members of the family and are a joy to have.
What a beautiful cake, it looks delicious!
And so touching to hear about your Ukrainian guests. I wish them every happiness.
I would like to contact Jean Nankervis who stayed with me in New Zealand some years ago and I visited her in Zennor in 1992. I was so pleased to find this lovely photo of her – and the magnificent cake, for her 86th birthday.
Can you ask her to email me please. We are still in the same house in Hamilton, NZ.
Many thanks
Virginia Graham
Thank you, Virginia. Your message has been passed on to Zennor WI and they will make sure Jean gets it.