Christmas Home-Baking in Constantine

Two members of Constantine WI, Sylvia and Mary, have totally different Christmases. Sylvia, a farmers wife who’s up feeding all the animals very early before breakfast, has lunch sometime much later in the day. Mary has a family of 22, and may celebrate Christmas Day on New Year’s Eve or whenever all the family can […]

Mawnan WI Gets in the Christmas Spirit!

There was a real sense of Christmas coming at the annual Mawnan WI Christmas Gift Fair on Saturday, 25th November. The Memorial Hall was fully decorated with garlands and a Christmas tree, and stall holders had dressed their tables with lights and holly. There were many carefully crafted and original items for sale made by […]

The Fight against Plastic Pollution

Meet Polly Ethel, a cloth doll whose tail, top and hair are all made from fibres picked out of some of the huge quantity of polyethylene rope washed up on Perranuthnoe beach this Autumn. Created by Pippa Stilwell, CFWI Federation Climate Ambassador, to raise awareness of the plastic tide washing up on our beaches, Polly […]

ACWW Works to Eliminate Violence against Women

Between the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25th November) and Human Rights Day (10th December), the international initiative ‘Orange the World’ seeks to promote positive action towards ending gender-based violence. ACWW fully supports this initiative, and in particular the theme ‘Leave no-one behind’. Violence against women affects communities in every country […]

Try Something New at a Denman Day School!

Did you know that you can stay at Denman on a B&B basis? Why not use it as a base for some exploring around the Oxfordshire countryside, and take in a Denman Day School course while you’re at it! Courses available include: 178.751 Italian Fun in the Kitchen: Family Day School 15 February 2018 Mariella […]

House of Commons Debates Loneliness

Yesterday, the House of Commons included a debate about tackling the issue of loneliness in our communities. You can read the full text of the debate here. You can even see the full video of the debate as it happened here. The late Jo Cox set up a commission on loneliness before her death, and […]

Murder in the WI!

If you fancy reading a nice little murder mystery this winter, look no further than Sharon Bill’s Fête Fatale. A summer fête in rural Cheshire, organised by the Women’s Institute of Mossleigh, holds the promise of an idyllic day out in the best British tradition. Everyone is enjoying the festivities until a beloved neighbour is […]

World Kindness Day

How did you celebrate World Kindness Day yesterday? The members of Mawnan WI has a great idea. They decided to focus on people driving through their village, and asked them to be considerate and aware of other road users and pedestrians, especially children. In the end the slogan was adapted to reflect the ethos of […]

A ‘Fungus Foray’ in Cardinham Woods!

A group of WI members from all over Cornwall met last week for a ‘fungus foray’ in Cardinham Woods. Led by experts, the women explored and learned to walk slowly and look carefully in order to track their prey! Some of those who were on the walk requested the following pictures: The specimens discovered on […]

Notice to WI Secretaries

The 2018 WI membership booklets are currently being prepared and, as ever, will be packed with vouchers for discounts and offers on everything from day-to-day essentials to some of life’s little luxuries and it will again also be possible to view the offers online. As in previous years, the distributors will deliver the booklets direct […]