Climate Change and Knitting in Zennor!

Take a hat knitted in the shape of a capercaillie, with a beautiful fan tail. Add a lilac knitted tanktop decorated variously with a seal, a flock of house martins, a jay with a Z underneath, and a white snake for a neckscarf – spot the association! Wildlife photographer David Chapman’s talk to Zennor WI […]

Beavers in Cornwall: Return of a Keystone Species

After being hunted to extinction in the UK 400 years ago, beavers are being brought back to Cornwall by Cornwall Wildlife Trust and partners Woodland Valley Farm. This ground-breaking project hopes to show that beavers can help create new wildlife habitat, make our water cleaner and crucially reduce flooding. Beavers will be reintroduced to a […]

Zennor WI Member’s Art Work on Display

Congratulations to Jennifer Gourley of Zennor WI for successfully completing her HNC in Art and Design at Penwith College. During the Golowan Festival in Penzance, which ran from 16th until 25th June, Art and Design students held their annual exhibition, Tidal Memories, in a large marquee on the Wharfside. Jennifer’s sculpture Wartime Women was among […]

Plastic Soup at Liskeard Carnival!

A visiting WI member from the Staffordshire Federation snapped these photos at Liskeard Carnival yesterday. We think the ladies dressed as ‘Plastic Soup’ may be WI members, and possibly from Liskeard WI, but we’re not sure! If you have any further information about these brilliant costumes, please let us know! Thank you so much to […]

Let’s Talk about Fuel Poverty

Did you know that people in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly have among the highest rates of fuel poverty – i.e., people whose required fuel bills are above the national average and who struggle to keep warm because of the costs – in the country? Insulation is a key factor, as well as tackling […]

Cornwall WIs in the Pages of WI Life!

If you haven’t yet received your July/August copy of WI Life, you will soon! And make sure you see mentions of two of our Cornwall WIs. First of all, Saffron Buns, one of the newest members of Cornwall’s WI family, had a little article about how they chose their name! Not only that, but Carbis […]