Email Warning

Our CFWI email address has evidently been infected with a virus. If you receive the following email from CFWI, please DO NOT click on the link or open it: We are working to solve the problem. Thank you!

Godolphin WI Members are Abuzz!

Everyone was abuzz at Godolphin WI’s meeting this month. Tamsin Harris came along for the evening and told the group all they need to know about beekeeping. Tamsin started off with just two hives but now has many more – 109 to be precise – scattered around in various places. The colour and flavour of […]

Wilcove WI’s Worry Monsters

Wilcove WI members have been busy knitting ‘worry monsters’ to help children in the local community. The idea is that young children who have worries or anxieties can write them down on a piece of paper and put them in the worry monster’s pocket. When a responsible adult removes the piece of paper in secret, […]

A Belated Christmas Meal for St Neot WI

This week, members of St Neot WI enjoyed their Christmas Meal at the Halfway House which had been postponed from December due to bad weather – luckily there was no snow or ice en route this time! They all report it was a great meal enjoyed by everyone, with good chatter and good friends.

‘WI Talk’ by Sheila Goldsworthy

Former CFWI Chairman and current Assistant Media Officer Sheila Goldsworthy writes a wonderful monthly WI column for The Cornishman. Here is Sheila’s January column: The humble biro will be a great asset to members as they tackle some essential paper work in the coming weeks, as well as a good excuse to cosy up indoors in this typical […]

Porthleven WI Links with New Zealand!

There was great excitement on Wednesday when Porthleven WI opened a parcel they received from New Zealand. Last year, during a visit to Kresen Kernow, Porthleven WI members learned that they had previously been twinned with a WI in New Zealand, but the two groups had lost contact over the years. Committee member Karen decided […]

WI Event Risk Assessments

Does your WI create a Risk Assessment for the events you hold? Although this isn’t required, it’s always a good idea to help you evaluate and minimise hazards, and keep your members happy and safe. Please rest assured that Risk Assessments are carried out for all CFWI events. If you do not currently assess risks […]

Lunch out for Trevone WI

Trevone WI took over The Stepping Stone restaurant in Wadebridge yesterday when 26 members enjoyed a fabulous lunch despite the cold, wet, miserable weather outside. They all agreed it was so lovely to share good food with good friends.