Wilcove WI and The Great Big Green Week

Wilcove WI started their Great Big Green Week activities a little early with Clare Wallerstein, their September speaker from Rame Peninsula Beach Care. Clare gave the members a fascinating and eye opening evening on the dangers of litter and debris, particularly on Cornish beaches. The monthly competition for the following meeting was planned along this […]

Our Winning Creative Writing Competition Entry

Congratulations to everyone who entered CFWI’s Creative Writing Competition this year, with a theme of ‘Walk upon England’s Mountains Green’. Entries were wide-ranging, but it was the poignant vignette from Christine Woolf of St Breward WI which captured the eye of our judge. Writing a short story in just a thousand words is a challenge, […]

A Great Project for WI Knitters

Here’s a fun and worthwhile project for WI members – or perhaps entire WIs – to get stuck into over the long, cold winter evenings. We have had a message from the woman who manages the team of breast feeding specialist nurses, who are part of the health visiting service in Cornwall. The team works with […]

Stylish Saris in Perranuthnoe

At their September meeting, members of Perranuthnoe and District WI were given a rare treat of a sari demonstration. WI member Sandra Baxendale gave the women several saris to choose from and they all found a colour to suit. Wendy Blain, Perranuthnoe and District WI member, said, “We all felt very elegant!”

Downderry & Seaton WI Builds Bug Hotel

As their contribution to The Great Big Green Week, member of Downderry and Seaton WI created a bug hotel using all reclaimed materials. The bug hotel was installed in the WI’s garden, a small strip attached to Downderry’s car park, which the WI has looked after for many years. Members have been gradually changing the […]

Tregony WI is Flourishing!

Tregony WI describes itself as a “growing” group and is now getting more active on social media to try to recruit more members. At the members’ last meeting, they had a ukulele lesson and at the meeting previous to that they held a cream tea and vintage tractor afternoon at a member’s farm. In October, […]