Christmas Cheer for Beaches and Cream Newquay WI

Plenty of Christmas cheer was evident at the December meeting of Beaches and Cream Newquay WI. Orchard Voices led the members in singing old and new seasonal songs which ended with a fun version of The Twelve Days of Christmas causing laughter and producing a roomful of smiles. Festive fare was enjoyed, glitter glam worn, […]

Mowesi Marshgate WI Plants a Tree

The tree was long the symbol of the WI until a rebrand in the 21st century replaced it with the current “Inspiring Women” strapline. Now Mowesi Marshgate WI has brought its own tree into local life, planting a sessile oak sapling at Otterham and St Juliot Hall in a small ceremony just before Christmas. The […]

Porthleven WI Celebrates Christmas in Style!

Porthleven Public Hall was packed for this year’s Porthleven WI Christmas party. The members were delighted to welcome visitors from Helston, Godolphin and Perranuthnoe and District WIs, as well as some new members. There was also a table of ‘helpful husbands’, who were invited along as a thank you for always being on hand to […]

‘WI Talk’ by Sheila Goldsworthy

Former CFWI Chairman and current Assistant Media Officer Sheila Goldsworthy writes a wonderful monthly WI column for The Cornishman. Here is Sheila’s December column. The WI in Cornwall certainly knows how to make a statement, especially when it’s kicking off the Christmas festivities. What could be better than a memorable carol concert surrounded by a backdrop of beautifully decorated trees, […]

Christmas Wreaths and Festive Fare for Coads Green WI

The December meeting of Coads Green WI was held in the village hall to accommodate the swathes of greenery and the numbers of participants for a festive wreath-making workshop. President Linda Willan welcomed members and guests, including Wendy Fiander, a Federation Trustee who attended to represent Federation Chair Helen Kestle. Wendy is also Editor of […]

Join the CFWI 200+ Club!

Do you fancy trying your chances at winning some money in 2024? Why not join our 200+ Club? If you’ve read the names of 200+ Club winners in County News and wondered what it was all about, here’s the inside scoop! The 200+ Club is a competition open to all of you as WI members […]

Upcoming: Come along to a Retro Lunch!

On Friday 12 January 2024 we’ll be holding a groovy retro lunch!  Do you remember the ’70s? Come and join us to relive the nostalgia! We’ll be serving some familiar retro foods and if you’d like to dress the part, please do – though it’s not compulsory. The lunch will be held at Chy Noweth […]