Sea Poetry for Mermaids: Mylor and Flushing WI

Mermaids: Mylor and Flushing WI held the third in their series of health and wellbeing themed talks last week with an inspiring and entertaining evening entitled Morvoren-Sea Poetry. Very appropriately, the group discovered that morvoren means ‘mermaid’ in Cornish. Ella Walsworth-Bell from Mylor Bridge and Kerry Vincent from Constantine presented the evening and the gloriously […]

Speaking with Confidence Workshop!

Do you feel anxious if you have to give the vote of thanks at your WI meeting? Does the thought of standing up in front of your members and speaking to them fill you with fear? Don’t worry! We can help! SPEAKING WITH CONFIDENCE Friday 10 November 2023 CHY NOWETH AN CONTETH 10.30am-3pm This one-day […]

‘WI Talk’ by Sheila Goldsworthy

Former CFWI Chairman and current Assistant Media Officer Sheila Goldsworthy writes a wonderful monthly WI column for The Cornishman. Here is Sheila’s September column: WI members need have no worries on how to fill these autumn days, just open the September issue of County News where we can find a superabundance of educational and pleasurable […]

A Birthday Celebration for Blunts WI

The women of Blunts WI celebrated their 70th birthday recently with a tea party in Quethiock Village Hall. Scrumptious food was enjoyed by all and a lovely birthday cake was cut by President Kate Bairstow. A display of WI memorabilia proved to be a big success and some members recalled events over the last 50 […]

Porthleven WI Supports Local Foodbank

Members of Porthleven WI were invited recently to visit the Helston and The Lizard Foodbank, based at The Mustard Seed in Helston, to hand over the monies they raised at a recent cake stall. Wendy, Alli and Marie from Porthleven WI were warmly welcomed and given a fascinating look into how the foodbank operates. It […]