NFWI Denman Update

All WIs will have received the communication from NFWI dated 26 May 2023 regarding the new Denman proposal and details of the final stage in the Charity Commission consultation, which included a public notice of the intention to use part of the permanent endowment fund and the details of where to share your feedback. This […]

Order Your Annual Council Meeting Tickets Online!

This year we have introduced an additional way for members to purchase tickets and bus transport to the Annual Council Meeting! We are using TicketSource for those of you who would like the convenience of ordering independently from home and paying by credit or debit card. Annual Council Meeting tickets cost £15, and there is […]

Constantine WI Members Sort Their Underwear!

Constantine WI have been collecting bras to donate to Smalls for All, a charity that collects underwear for people in Africa and the UK who can’t afford or can’t get any. ‘Because dignity matters’ is the charity’s mantra. Some women in Africa are shamed by not having underwear, and the men who see they are […]

Enter CFWI’s Social Media Competition!

Has your WI recently set up a Facebook page or a website? Have you used social media to help attract new members, or to keep your current members in the loop? Do you have a WI website? Do you use Instagram or Twitter? Or perhaps Snapchat or Pinterest? If so, this is the competition for […]

Godolphin WI has a Busy Month!

It’s been another busy month for the women of Godolphin WI. First, there was the walk organised by member Joyce Dallas at Trelissick, which had previously been cancelled because of bad weather. It was a beautiful walk and the sun was shining. The group then had a day out at Roskorwell Cornish Lavender Farm. Rows […]