An Exciting New Venture for the WI in Cornwall!

We are thrilled to announce that CFWI is launching a virtual WI! CyberCats VWI will hold its first meeting on Tuesday 25 April at 7pm. We will be welcoming guest speaker Helen Baggott, who will be giving us a bit of social history through storytelling via old postcards. It sounds fascinating! There is no charge […]

Singing into Spring!

For their April meeting, members of Beaches and Cream Newquay WI enjoyed learning ” You to Me are Everything” arranged by the talented Jo from Orchard Voices. After a warm-up, 60 women chose to either sing the melody or sing low or high.

Camelford WI Pays Tribute to its Heritage

Eighty-five years ago a branch of the WI was formed in Camelford, the WI movement having begun in Cornwall some 20 years earlier. After a meeting in the Camelford Town Hall in February 1938 it was agreed the women of Camelford should join this new endeavour. And so the very first meeting met in the […]

St Buryan Celebrates 90 Years

Pictured here are St Buryan WI President Janet Semmens, member Rosemary Warren who made and decorated the birthday cake, Federation Chair Helen Kestle and WI Adviser Liz Anderson celebrating St Buryan’s 90th birthday held in The Queen’s Hotel, Penzance. After a delicious lunch, members posed for a photograph on the staircase.

Old Sheet Music Available

We have a large supply of very old sheet music at Chy Noweth which needs a home. Perhaps you or your WI might like some for craft projects? Or maybe you know someone who would like it? If you’d like some, please contact the office and arrange to collect it – or 01872 272843. […]

Resolution Roadshows Update + Zoom Session!

The listed deadline for booking your space at this year’s Resolution Roadshows may have passed, but it’s not too late. We’ll be taking applications right up until the last minute – and you may want to book a space now that we can announce what will be happening at these sessions! You’ll see a screening […]

What Are Your Coronation Plans?

Is your WI planning a party or some sort of celebration for the Coronation next month? If you’re not holding your own event, perhaps you’re helping at your village’s festivities? Whatever you’re doing, please take lots of photos and send them, along with a brief write-up, to so we can feature them in County […]

NFWI Resolution Webinar

You won’t want to miss out on a free NFWI webinar about this year’s resolution – ‘Clean Rivers for People and Wildlife.’ The webinar, which will be held on 12 April at 7pm, is designed to support members in learning more about the resolution that will be voted upon at the Annual Meeting in Cardiff […]

The WI to Partner with England Rugby!

Starting in April 2023, the WI will formally become a recognised partner of England Rugby, and supporter of the Women’s Rugby World Cup 2025; helping to engage with women, bring opportunities and create long-term changes for women in rugby and team sports. News of this new partnership will be shared this week on NFWI’s social […]