Happy WI Day!

CFWI would like to wish all of our members a very happy WI Day! On 16 September 1915, the first Women’s Institute met on the island of Anglesey in North Wales, making the WI 106 years old today. The WI is encouraging members all around the country to come together, swap kindness and celebrate 106 […]

Pensilva WI Begins Meeting Again

Pensilva WI met for the first time in 18 months this week. A large group of members was shown how to create simple flower arrangements for the home by Pensilva members Cherry, Frances, Jean and Verna. Cherry showed the group how to create sugar craft roses which could then be used as a display, whilst […]

Change to Online Digital Photography Workshops

Our tutor for the Online Digital Photography Workshops scheduled for October has had to cancel. However, photographer David Chapman has stepped in to take her place! The new dates of the course are Monday 18 October and Monday 1 November. If you had booked a place on the original course, your booking will, of course, […]

Penpol and Point WI Celebrates 45th Birthday

Great fun was had on a windy, but dry August afternoon as Penpol and Point WI celebrated their 45th birthday at Point Orchard. Over 30 members attended the tea party, some of whom hadn’t seen each other for nearly 18 months. Members Sheila and Lorna organised activities to entertain the group. These included an anagram […]

Trevone WI: The Last of the Summer Picnics

Twenty two members of Trevone WI met last week for a summer picnic in glorious sunshine – the last picnic the members held had been in rolling sea mist and was quite chilly! The women all brought their own lunches but were able to share member Susan Nunn’s home baked sausage rolls, ginger cookies and […]

‘WI Talk’ by Sheila Goldsworthy

Sheila Goldsworthy writes a wonderful monthly WI column for The Cornishman. Here is Sheila’s August column: WI members have been honing their computer skills by keeping in touch, and advancing their general knowledge by taking part in lectures, especially those organised by Denman at Home. In the latest edition of WI Life there is a […]

Tea at Three in Perranarworthal

Taking a chance with a very iffy weather forecast, Perranarworthal WI decided to go ahead and meet up for Tea at Three on the local playing field. Members brought their own camping chairs and drink, and a range of delicious cakes was provided by the committee. Waterproofs and umbrellas were at the ready, but there […]